Mario Kart’s raison d’être is the competitive party atmosphere of having every player on a shared couch.
In fact, I would say the biggest shame about Mario Kart 7 is that it’s on a portable system. And even though the old courses have been given several clever updates to include Mario Kart 7‘s new mechanics, it’s fairly obvious that they lack the same energy that the 16 new courses do. It’s easy to see the difference because Mario Kart 7 also includes a selection of courses from previous games, leaning heavily on picks from the Wii version. Elements of each course seem alive in a way they haven’t before in a Mario Kart game, and it all culminates in a final race where each lap is almost completely different than the last. The easiest way to see this is in the subtly creative track design that Mario Kart 7 employs. However, with Mario Kart 7, some of the zest from earlier in the series seems to be back. That assumption seemed to be correct with the past two Mario Kart games (DS and Wii), where Nintendo produced two perfectly enjoyable games that didn’t set the world on fire, but also sold big numbers for many, many years after release. No Nintendo game is ever really bad, especially main franchises like the Mario platformers or Mario Kart, but sometimes you get the feeling that the teams at Nintendo aren’t giving it 100% and feel that they don’t actually need to create an iconic game and that “very-good” to “excellent” will be enough. The racing simply feels the best it has since Mario Kart Double Dash!! came out in 2003. Really where Mario Kart 7 succeeds are in the intangibles. Both are fun and neither really overwhelms the game.

The additions to the formula this time around are the ability to use a hand-glider to coast through the air after a few specific jumps and the ability to driver under water in certain areas. You only drive karts - there is only one driver per kart races only have eight participants - much like the original Super Mario Kart and its direct sequel Mario Kart 64. While recent Mario Kart games have expanded the series in various ways - double driver karts in MK:Double Dash, and Motorbikes and a larger number of racers in MK:Wii - Mario Kart 7 takes everything back to basics. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.