Reddit tides of numenera
Reddit tides of numenera

It's neither a sequel nor a re-imagining. I will try to push through it, but I am disappointed I feel I have to 'push through' it. It left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth, and while that's the most egregious problem I've encountered so far, the rest of the game just hasn't really captured my interest. You'd think succeeding in the check would perhaps make him easier to defeat, giving you an option to perhaps succeed at the combat portion if you didn't go through the checklist of everything you needed to do to bypass it outright, but I ended up just wasting a couple hours instead. Succeeding in the check didn't have any effect at all on the encounter. But it doesn't matter if I failed or succeeded in this check, the result was a forced battle encounter with an opponent that would kill one or more of my party members in a single turn. (And of course, once you enter this area, you can't leave without loading a previous save.) So I get to the boss and after a hundred lines of dialogue, I have an option to try to persuade/deceive him away from his current task. Since you are very limited on the amount of exp you can earn, and you are extremely limited on how you can level up your skills/character (changing builds or becoming 'well rounded' aren't really possible), fighting the cultists was extremely difficult for me. For instance, there's one part where I take a portal into a cultists' lair where I have to either fight dozens of cultists or bypass them, which makes the 'boss' more difficult to defeat.

reddit tides of numenera

Some of the skill checks you perform seem to have no perceivable effect, and just feel like a waste of time. I do not think I could dislike the combat system more (though I admit that my character and team aren't the rough and tough type, so that doesn't help,) and while it's true that you can avoid the majority of combat encounters in the game, some are forced on you or require a very specific sequence of events to bypass. It would probably help to be familiar with the Numenera setting, but I found Planescape far easier to get to grips with despite it having little to do with the settings like the Sword Coast and other more traditional titles, and it had its fair share of bizzare characters to say the least.

reddit tides of numenera

Half of the poeple you talk to Numenera talk like they're schizophrenics, spouting walls of text of seemingly pointless nonsense. Planescape was far from perfect, but I found its world much more interesting and its characters a lot easier to understand.

reddit tides of numenera

Steam says I have 21 hours in the game, but I never found myself really loving any of it except its beautiful scenery. Planescape I really enjoyed, but Numenera I've had trouble getting in to. I got Numenera in a bundle recently and that pushed me to finish my run of Planescape: EE that I drifted away from for a while.

Reddit tides of numenera